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How to prevent multiple paths of Kubernetes pod escape


This tutorial demonstrates some of the security concerns of a default GKE cluster configuration and the corresponding hardening measures to prevent multiple paths of pod escape and cluster privilege escalation. These attack paths are relevant in the following scenarios:

This lab was created by GKE Helmsman engineers to help you grasp a better understanding of hardening default GKE cluster configurations.

The example code for this lab is provided as-is without warranty or guarantee*

Run this to start a Kubernetes cluster managed by Kubernetes Engine named simplecluster and configure it to run 2 nodes:

It takes several minutes to create a cluster as Kubernetes Engine provisions virtual machines for you. The warnings about features available in new versions can be safely ignored for this lab.

After the cluster is created, check your installed version of Kubernetes using the kubectl version command:

The gcloud container clusters create command automatically authenticated kubectl for you.

View your running nodes in the Cloud Console. On the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM Instances.

Your Kubernetes cluster is now ready for use.

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