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SDLC with Real Sample

As a seasoned product manager, I have often come across numerous articles and resources discussing the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). While these materials provide valuable insights and frameworks, I have noticed a significant gap in the availability of real world practical examples that illustrate the execution of an SDLC from start to finish.

In this article, I aim to address this void by providing a comprehensive working example of the major components of an SDLC, exploring each step of the process, including the responsible owner, time range, and a brief description.

Image by katemangostar on Freepik

The SDLC comprises several key components that guide the development and deployment of software applications. These components typically include:

To provide a practical understanding of the SDLC, let us walk through each step of the process with Sample product.

Created by Warren Smith for Medium

While numerous articles discuss the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), there is a dearth of practical examples that provide a holistic understanding of the process. By walking through each step with a Sample we have demonstrated the execution of an SDLC, highlighting the responsible owners, time ranges, and descriptions for each phase. Embracing such examples can empower product managers and development teams to navigate the complexities of the SDLC with confidence, delivering successful software products that meet customer needs and industry standards.

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